Third Third

For the third year running, I won 3rd prize in the Adult age division of a local toy store’s LEGO competition.

The annual event at S.W. Randall Toyes and Giftes is in its ninth year. This year’s entries are still on display at the Squirrel Hill store until the end of July.

Now that voting is over, I’ve posted some pictures of my entry on flickr.

Meanwhile, another LEGO model I recently posted to flickr got blogged by The Brothers Brick. If you don’t follow the LEGO art scene: that blog is one of the most prominent, and has pretty high standards. Having one’s work appear there is a minor badge of honor, so I’m quite pleased to join those ranks.

It’s LEGO contest time again!

Voting has begun in the annual all-ages LEGO contest at S.W. Randall Toyes and Giftes in Squirrel Hill (Pittsburgh PA). Stop by the shop (shoppe?) to see my entry and plenty of other cool stuff from adult LEGO artists down to five- and six-year-olds. Vote for your favorites – one in each age division – now through June 30.

A small preview of my entry in the 2013 LEGO competition at S. W. Randall Toyes and Giftes

A small preview of my entry in the 2013 LEGO competition at S. W. Randall Toyes and Giftes

I’ll post more pictures of my entry some day, but for now you’ll have to go see it in person!

…Oh, and say, isn’t that me in the newspaper, talking about LEGO as an art form?

Fah Who Foraze, Ludum Dare!

For years, I’ve been hearing about the Ludum Dare, a long-running make-a-game-in-48-hours competition. I’ve created some computer games in a month or less, and some interesting software in about a weekend. But a complete, playable, fun game in 48 hours is an intriguing challenge – plausible, but not easy.

The current Ludum Dare starts in half an hour, and hey, I’ve got some free time this weekend….

Nothing motivates like an arbitrary, voluntarily-adopted deadline shared by a bunch of strangers, so this year I’m in.

(As for the name, I knew “Ludum” referred to games, like “ludic”, a word ludologists throw around these days. But I thought the Ludum Dare was, you know, a dare!  And it is, but apparently the name is all latin, a motto: “to give a game”. So it really should be pronounced…um…I’m no latin expert, but my understanding is that it’s more like Darla without the L.)

A spooky story for Halloween-time

When Zarf posted a spooky story at Halloween-time 2004, I felt inspired to write one too. An idea came to me pretty quickly – inspired both by Zarf’s story and by two other stories I won’t name – but it was years before I actually sat down and wrote it, and more years before I was willing to admit it was really finished.

So, here’s my spooky story for Halloween-time 2012, The Horror From Beyond Time!