CafePress refused to sell a shirt with the Ellipsis Man logo in its natural color scheme. I can’t say I’m really surprised…I certainly don’t blame them for making that decision. Undaunted, I changed the colors. Enjoy!
CafePress refused to sell a shirt with the Ellipsis Man logo in its natural color scheme. I can’t say I’m really surprised…I certainly don’t blame them for making that decision. Undaunted, I changed the colors. Enjoy!
Sketch of the day, Superhero edition:
Ellipsis Man…
Surprisingly underrepresented on the Internet. There’s this epic conflict, but not much else.
So here’s my contribution, a logo and an enigmatic warning…
(Speaking of “…”, if you haven’t seen Dot Dot Dot yet…it’s pretty funny. Nothing to do with me or Ellipsis Man, though: it’s just one of those Internet-eating-its-own-tail things. I only mention it because lately I’m reminded of it whenever I think about ellipses for any reason. I suppose I’ll get over that someday….)
More cool posts at prompted me to design yet another set of miniatures for OGRE/GEV using LEGO. That’s a lot of capital letters…just check out the pictures.
…Obviously. In particular, it seems that Knowledge Navigator has finally arrived.
See, back in 1987, Apple made this weird little video, a sort of Concept Car for their vision of computing.
Knowledge Navigator (click to see the whole video on YouTube)
Knowledge Navigator wasn’t a product. It wasn’t an ad. Most people outside Apple probably never heard of it at the time.
(Personally, I heard about it through geek channels, and saw it in a science museum a few years later.)
But it’s obviously been lurking close behind Apple’s overall vision for decades. Look at this ad they just released, for Siri on iPhone.
Welcome to the future, Apple style. It’s right on schedule.
The toy store in my neighborhood, S.W. Randall Toys & Gifts, runs an annual LEGO contest. This year, my diorama, Diamond in the Rough, won third prize in the Adult category.
The first and second place winners were models of beloved local landmarks. I’ll keep that in mind for next year! 🙂
(I’m not complaining: there’s nothing wrong with playing to your audience’s interests, and they were good models, too.)
My scene was inspired by these pictures of giant crystals. (Not diamond, alas.)